Coastal Escapes



Norriego Point Fireworks Raft Up

August 4, 2022

Join us as we run our boats over to the Destin Harbor and beach up to enjoy some Summer fun! We will leave the ECM dock around 6:30pm and head over to Norriego Point. You are welcome to follow along with us or meet us there – just look for the ECM flags on the beach! We will have food on the grill, kids activities, live music and end with a fireworks show at 9pm.

Boat Club members are encouraged to join us for these ECM events even though they will make boat return after normal hours – please just secure your boat reservation as usual and email Boat Club Manager Annamarie Worrell with any questions!

This is a great opportunity to mix and mingle with fellow boaters and see your ECM family! We hope to see you there!